How Injured Runners, Golfers Or Cyclists Can Get Fit (And Stay Fit), From Frustrating Sports Injuries That Keep You From Enjoying Sport And Being Active.

A Personal Message from Specialist Sports Physiotherapist, Phil Evans
If you’ve recently picked up a Sports Injury, or if you’ve been suffering with an injury for a while – it can be very tempting to pass it off as “nothing serious” and simply “put up with it” carrying on as best you can.
Or, it can be very easy to get disheartened and end up feeling “stuck”, wondering if you’ll ever be able to get back to playing sport or keeping active like you used to…
If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone – we see people going through this all the time. In fact, we see people living with an injury from sports and exercise in our physio clinic in Solihull and Birmingham, no matter what time of year…